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News & Events


Beau-Vallon Primary organize different events throughout the terms. We believe in an active and engaging school. Here you will find information about what has been happening at the school recently, along with a calendar of upcoming events.

Word Splash Competition Winner

Word Splash Competition Winner

The 23rd edition of the Youth Festival was held from the 12th to the 27th of August 2022. Word Splash is a spelling competition that features on the calendar of events for the...

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Our New School Sign: First Impressions

Our New School Sign: First Impressions

Lots of people visit our school on a day-to-day basis. To welcome our visitors and members of the school community -a well vinyl sign board was erected at the main entrance...

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Our Calendar Year 2024 Highlights


  • Crèche parents meeting ( cohort ) 2023
  • First Holy Communion ( P4 )
  • Familiarization visit Crèche pupils 2023
  • Tourism Week
  • Interclass spelling competition P1 and P2


  • Transition visit Crèche to P1
  • Creole Festival


  • Educational visit Crèche year 2 pupils and parents to La Digue
  • Graduation Ceremony Crèche year 2
  • Educational visit P3 to La Retraite School
  • Educational Visit P5 to water treatment
  • Transition meeting to secondary S1
    SENCO, Pastoral deputy and counsellor
  • P6 parents meeting
  • P3 and P6 quiz Maths Inter house
  • P4 educational visit to Victoria
  • P1 and P2 educational visit to Beau- Vallon District
  • Transition P2 pupils to P3 classes


Our New School Sign: First Impressions

Our New School Sign: First Impressions

Lots of people visit our school on a day-to-day basis. To welcome our visitors and members of the school community -a well vinyl sign board was erected at the main entrance having a warm welcome message to everyone promoting the core values of the...

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Free Breakfast and Lunch

Free Breakfast and Lunch

As pupils resumed school on the 5th of September for the third term, pupils were able to enjoy free breakfast and lunch after they have been registered. This government initiative was put in place as a measure to alleviate the financial stress on...

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